When you can find God in a beautiful sunset, you haven't yet arrived.
When you can find God in all living things, wisdom is still far off.
When you can find God in the deepest recesses of your heart, Gnosis is still eluding you.
When you can find God in not just the extraordinary, but the ordinary, you still have more steps to take.
But when you can find God in the most vile, repulsive, disgusting, reprehensible thing, then your enlightenment may just be right around the corner.
Take no glory in it, for it is fitting that there should be no rewards for seeing things as they actually are. Such an action is not a privilege, but our duty. Let us not be heros unto ourselves, but rather let us commit to the work we were born to accomplish.
Fr Bryan
Yeah. I've read this. I'm not sure where I am on this continuum. Is there a stage for "what the heck does 'finding G-d' mean anyway"??????